Encouraging Education…
Supporting Research…
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Our Mission
The mission of the Urquhart Memorial Foundation is to contribute financial support for higher education to eligible African-American students accepted into undergraduate studies at 4-year colleges or universities in the state of Pennsylvania. Additionally, we will contribute to research programs dedicated to identifying cures for breast cancer and diabetes.
What is UMF?
The Urquhart Memorial Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) organization founded by Philadelphia native Ernest H. Urquhart and his wife Michelle. While they now live in Phoenix, Arizona the Urquharts continue to be committed to providing scholarship support for the deserving, eligible Philadelphia resident African-American students attending college and or/universities in the state of Pennsylvania. Additionally, the UMF provides funding to individuals or organizations focused on research for the cures of diabetes and breast cancer, diseases significantly affecting African-Americans. These small grants are not geographically limited.
United States government and private statistics show one-third of African-American students at four year universities had an annual income of $20,000. Against these odds, African-American students continue to value a college education and prove themselves competitive in the classroom and in the future workplace. Many of them need our support. Medical researchers tell us that diabetes is one of the most serious health risks facing African-Americans. One in nine has the disease, and African-Americans are more likely to develop disabilities from diabetes than Caucasian-Americans. Similarly some cancers disproportionately affect African-American disease management and mortality rates. We want to support those trying to find cures and/or effective therapies to deal with these diseases.
Scholarship Information and Requirements
- Applicant must be a Philadelphia resident and an African-American
- Must attend a 4-year college/university in the state of Pennsylvania
- Freshmen students must submit transcripts of grades from all high schools attended, with evidence of at least a 2.5 GPA, and current SAT or ACT scores
- College students must submit transcripts of grades from all colleges attended, with evidence of at least a 2.5 GPA
- Completed UMF Application form
- Short essay (one type-written page) of your personal and educational goals
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from either a community organization leader, church leader, teacher, professor or employer
- Copy of acceptance letter from the eligible 4 year college or university that you will attend (this applies to incoming freshman only)
Sorry, incomplete submissions will not be considered.
Research Grant Information and Requirements
- Completed UMF Small Grant Application
- Applicant must be involved in research in areas of breast cancer or diabetes
Happening Now
Here They Come!
TWENTY more students on their way with UMF scholarships! A virtual but inspiring celebration of freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors continuing on their journey to learn and grow for our and their future.

We’re Doing It Again!
Saturday July 27 2024 – 11:00a.m. (EDT)
Your foundation made my dream of attending college possible.