Make a Donation
To achieve the part of its mission to “…Encourage Education”, the UMF offers financial support to eligible students through our annual scholarship awards. Students who meet the eligibility requirements may apply through the process described in “Scholarship Application Process Begins”.

College Prep Workshop and Support
While the UMF is committed to help students get to college, we are also interested in their success in going through and completing their college education. To help them get started and continue the journey through we annually offer (required for Freshmen) a workshop – “Helping To Navigate Your College Life”. This workshop focuses on the challenges of successful transition from high school education environment to a college/university education environment. The workshop is typically held on the day before the annual scholarship awards ceremony.
Additionally, the UMF offers follow up with mentoring and advisory support for students throughout their college experience.

Bishop Elwin M. Urquhart Scholarship for Theological Studies
Bishop Elwin M. Urquhart Scholarship for Theological Studies is awarded to deserving students in memory of the late Pastor of Holy Temple Holiness Church in Philadelphia,PA. Bishop Elwin M. Urquhart was a native Philadelphian and a graduate of Lincoln University. When he died in 2005 at the age of 48 he left a legacy of excellence as an educator, preacher, and spiritual leader with a lifelong career commitment to the betterment of body, mind and soul of humankind. This UMF scholarship is awarded to students who embody the spirit and principles of that legacy in preparing for a similar career commitment.

Research Grants
Part of the mission of the UMF is to “…Support Research”. We do this through funding individuals and or organizations who are engaged in diabetes and breast cancer research nationwide. Small grants may be provided to approved applicants to supplement other funding they receive for their research endeavors. Applications are reviewed annually.